This work is old, we did it years ago. So what makes it relevant now, today? HUMOR. That incredible and fun device, wit, used to brand so many trillions of dollars in product sales for about 5,000 years; until every ad agency in America lost its mind and banned fun, along with common sense.
We’re bringing humor back. Why? Because it works. It’s fun. Humor does not age as a device. It still sells like crazy. Isn’t that what you want your agency to do, sell your product like crazy?
This farcical “romantic saga” was the talk of the town in Louisiana and it helped launch the Louisiana Lottery. We beat all national records in first-year lottery sales; records that held for decades. This is saying a whole bunch when you consider Louisiana has millions fewer customers than New York, which held all lottery records at that time. And of that much smaller Louisiana population, said Louisiana folks also had way lower disposable income on average. So we got fewer folks to play way more times per person than a mega-state full of much wealthier people.
We know what you’re thinking; Jim, you son-of-a… you used your superpower for evil. Don’t worry, lottery proceeds went to worthy causes like building new schools, fixing highways, and other important projects that benefited the good people of the Bayou State. Jackpot.